Fundraise for the cause
You can do something that will have a BIG impact on RESOLVE’s ability to reach more people struggling to build a family with our important programs. RESOLVE is a nonprofit and exists because of volunteers and those who support our mission. You can make a difference by planning a fundraiser – big or small.
Your efforts will raise needed funds for RESOLVE programs and will help call attention to the barriers so many face.
It’s exactly that, having fun raising awareness and support.
Like to Party?
Host a Event: Host an event, meet up, or happy hour. For virtual events, host the event on Facebook or Instagram live. Challenge other people to support you by donating to RESOLVE. Here are some virtual event ideas.
Gifts: In place of gifts, ask your friends and family to make a donation to RESOLVE by making a tribute.

Host a DIY Walk of Hope. Help your local community add more steps to their pedometers by organizing a Walk. Walk participants share an incredible experience, exchange stories, and share a passionate belief that everyone deserves the right of family. Start your DIY Walk of Hope today.
Attend a DIY Walk of Hope in your area.
Sweat it out! Ask your yoga instructor or personal trainer for a donated virtual or in-person class or host your own workout. Invite your friends to attend a special yoga/aerobics/step class donated by a trainer. Their admission fee of $20 becomes a donation, and the trainer gets the chance to build their client base. It’s a win-win for all. Let us help you get started by submitting your fundraiser here.
Challenge Yourself. Honor the challenges that many millions need to overcome when they face infertility. Set a goal to finish
a specific challenge (5k, Triathlon, even a 2-mile walk) and ask people to sponsor you if you complete it. Individuals can pledge any amount that will motivate you, and all donations will be sent to RESOLVE. Join the Challenge Yourself fundraising fun!

Get Fit!
Get creative!
Go Viral: Host a call to action on your social media page and challenge other people to support you by donating to RESOLVE.
Go Online: Start a Facebook fundraiser and raise awareness to help support the missions and programs of RESOLVE! Here’s how you can create one of your own!
Hosting a local or online event? Submit your event details to the official NIAW calendar

Tips for a Successful
Fundraising Campaign
Share Your Story
Share your story and let people know what it is like living with infertility.
For many, there has to be a personal connection to motivate them to make a donation to a cause. If you can share a part of your story or experience, it will help others understand the real impact of the disease of infertility on women, men, and families. If you have never shared your story before, you might be surprised at how others will open up about their own experiences—either their own infertility journey or a loved one’s. Pictures also help personalize your story.
Ask for a donation
You will be surprised as to what a difference a simple ask can make.
There are many different ways to ask others to support your favorite infertility charity. Go ahead, reach out to your personal network of friends, families and colleagues for a direct contribution to RESOLVE.
Thank your donors
A simple “Thank You” goes a long way. Don’t forget to thank the people who donated. Personal, handwritten notes show donors how much their support means to you. Even an email will go a long way in acknowledging that someone participated in a cause you care about. Remember, with your
help and theirs, we will change lives!
Tell RESOLVE what you’re doing to recognize National Infertility Awareness Week® in your community and we’ll add it to the list! Email info@resolve.org any questions about holding a fundraising event.