About niaw

National Infertility Awareness Week®, (NIAW) is a movement, founded in 1989 by RESOLVE. All too often myths and misinformation appear in media stories or influence lawmakers and companies to enforce policies that create barriers for people who need help building their family. And still people feel isolated when they struggle to build a family, so we want to empower them to share their story and find a community that cares.
Our mission is to empower you and change the conversation around infertility.
When the community comes together and talks about National Infertility Awareness Week®, we will:
Enhance public understanding that infertility needs and deserves attention.
Ensure that people trying to build a family know the guidelines for
seeing a specialist. -
Educate lawmakers about how infertility impacts people in their state.
National Infertility Awareness Week: #ALLinFertility
April 20–26, 2025
Infertility is a challenge no one should face alone. This year, during National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW), we invite you to join us for a week of advocacy, community, and empowerment under our 2025 theme: #ALLinFertility.
What Does #ALLinFertility Mean?
Infertility can feel like navigating a stacked deck, where obstacles seem endless and the path to building a family feels uncertain. #ALLinFertility celebrates the resilience of those facing these challenges while spotlighting the need for inclusivity, understanding, and action.
Much like a deck of cards, family building holds countless possibilities. Each person's journey is uniquely their own. There’s no single “right” way to create a family—there are many paths, each with its own set of challenges and rewards. Whether you experience going through fertility treatments, adoption, donor conception, fostering, or living child-free not by choice, we honor every path taken and every story you shared.
Why This Theme Matters
Inclusivity: Infertility affects people from all backgrounds, identities, and communities. #ALLinFertility ensures that diverse voices and experiences are represented, advocating for equal access to family building care, regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexuality, or socioeconomic status.
Empowerment: Sharing stories and raising awareness empowers others to seek support and advocate for themselves. It’s perfectly fine if you’re not ready to open up—this journey is yours to tell. But here’s the twist: sometimes sharing your story can unlock a whole new level of strength, connect you with others who get it, and even help the world see just how deeply infertility touches lives.
Support: RESOLVE is committed to fighting for you, providing the resources and community you need to go #ALLin—whatever that looks like for you.
With #ALLinFertility, we stand together to ensure no one has to navigate infertility alone.
Together, we can create a world where everyone has access to the support, resources, and access to care they need to build their family and thrive after facing infertility.
It’s time we go #ALLinFertility.
Why orange for awareness?
The color orange promotes a sense of wellness, emotional energy to be shared: compassion, passion, and warmth.
Helps to recover from disappointments, a wounded heart, or a blow to one’s pride. Studies show that orange can create a heightened sense of activity, increased socialization, boost in aspiration, contentment, assurance, confidence and understanding.
RESOLVE uses orange to raise awareness, increase activity around an important movement, and remind our community every day that RESOLVE is there for them during the disappointments while educating and promoting physical and emotional wellness.
In 2010, National Infertility Awareness Week® became a federally recognized health observance by the Department of Health and Human Services.
Future National Infertility Awareness Week® dates:
April 19-25, 2026 | April 18-24, 2027 | April 23-29, 2028 | April 22-28, 2028